Color palette to link colors between parts

The color palette is a feature that allows you to change the color of multiple parts at the same time.
For example, have you ever wished that you could change the color of two parts at the same time, when you have a “bangs part” and a “back hair part”?

In such cases, we recommend the Color Palette function.
This function can be used when you want to select different items such as hair and skin, but always want to have the same color.

Where to find the Color Palette

How to set up

You can set it up from the Color Palette setup screen.

Name of palette

Enter palette name. The name will be used in the management screen just for the creator’s reference, so give it a name that is easy for you to understand.

Add parts

Select the parts for changing color.

Add and setup palette colors

Add colors to the Color Palette.
The colors added here will appear in the image maker when selecting parts’ colors.

Assign color to parts

Assign part colors for each palette color.
The colors will appear for the part you have selected, so drag and drop them to the palette color.

When to use the Color Palette

Let’s say that you are making a Character Maker with a Front Hair Part and a Back Hair Part.

Without the Color Palette function, different colors could be applied to the Front Hair Part and the Back Hair Part (for example, black hair for the front, and blond hair for the back.)

If you want to keep the Front Hair Part and the Back Hair Part in the same color, the Color Palette function will be useful.
You can always match their color by changing from the Color Palette settings.